Tiếp theo thông báo ngày 15/12/2016, tại địa chỉ:
Xin được thông báo tới các anh, chị có nhu cầu đăng ký học bổng tại JAIST nội dung phỏng vấn của JAIST, dự kiến sẽ tổ chức trong tháng 03/2017 tại Viện CNTT như sau: (chi tiết về học bổng và các tài liệu cần chuẩn bị có trong thông báo lần 1 trên website Viện ở link phía trên)
1. Develop a program analysis tool.
The tool aims at checking whether programs conform to coding rules or not. Micro processors like ARM and RH series provide many kinds of coding rules that programs have to follow. On the other hand, the current tools deal with very limited ones. Thus, in this project, we expect that you develop a program analysis tool which deals with them.
Note that you need a skill to develop a program analysis tool based on a compiler framework such as LLVM to choose this project.
2. Survery and integrate the existing program analysis tools.
There are many program analysis tools such as syntax checkers,
Source code model checkers and static analysis tools. We think that those tools allow us to check the coding rules as mentioned in the above.
One tool can do for not all but for some rules, and the other for the other some. Thus, in this project, you first survery the existing tools and clarify properties and rules which can be checked by them.
Then, we expect that you propose a method to integrate results obtained by the tools in an appropriate form.
3. Formalize coding rules for micro processors.
Coding rules are described in a reference manual of micro processor
which consists of more than one thousand pages. Such coding rules are hard to mechanically process (that is, deal with them in computer) because they are described in natural language. Thus, in this project, we expect that you propose a language for formally representing such coding rules. The language should be user-friendly, that is, engineers can easily use it to describe the coding rules. In addition, descriptions witten in the language should be transformable into the other descriptions fed to the existing tools.